here I go again

So I lasted an entire summer + semester… but I’m going back to school in January. My degree has gotten me nowhere (big sur-freakin-prise). I’ve tried since last april to get some form of office job in order to get enough experience to.. well do anything. Instead I landed a God AWFUL job at a jeans store where I actually had to quit because the boss was so immature. And now I’m at M&M and it’s a good job. The only thing is, as a University Graduate I’m not supposed to work a job I could have gotten in high school… right?

well anyways.. now I’ve come up with a decent back up plan, doing something I have thought about for a long time, and something I have been told I’m perfect at. Working with kids. I’m taking part time courses at college starting in January while still working and volunteering in classes.

Yay for 3 yrs of university that got me no where.

P.s. I want snow.. work on that.

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